Shaggy Ink Cap fungi
The Waring

Little flocks of Red Rump Parrots have come to graze in our park and after Friday’s rain the Shaggy Ink Caps are pushing up through the earth.

It’s weeks like this when Rain Moths sometimes emerge after living underground for years.  Rain Moths are renowned for predicting rain; often thousands will emerge together and lay eggs just before a big downpour.

Sometimes when it’s wet you can find their empty amber-coloured pupae cases on the ground at the base of trees.

For the Wurundjeri this time is The Waring, wombat season, when the mists come in and the wombats emerge from their burrows.  

With fasts and feasts the Fair Food crew have been marking our own change of seasons with Easter, Ramadan, Passover, Nepalese and Sri Lankan New Years – the comings and goings of the light.

The seasons have also changed what’s arriving at the Fair Food warehouse – these days it’s Manny’s persimmons, apples from Hazeldean Forest Farm, pears, quinces, Noleen’s gold nugget pumpkins, walnuts, olives and of course Paul Haar’s feijoas.

Last week I had my first mandarin – tangelos and grapefruit will inevitably follow and on and on and on we go….

Chop and green waste buckets in the van
Operation cooler-takeback

A couple of weeks ago we decided to try something – Fair Food drivers began asking customers if they wanted to take their refrigerated items on the spot so their cooler could be taken back to Fair Food to be reused.

Unsure how this cooler-takeback would go down we were pleasantly surprised when Robyn Lasker, Fair Food’s logistics co-ordinator, reported universal appreciation for the initiative. 

This makes us happy on a many levels;

–          first we want to reuse our coolers as many times as we can before they go to the recycler 
–          second we know coolers on verandas and in sheds get damaged and can’t be reused
–          third the fewer coolers we need to buy the more money we can give to CERES School of Nature and Climate to teach children to take care of our planet.

If you’d like your cooler taken back on delivery day all you need to do is ask your driver.

Have a great week,



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