Serves Approx 600ml

Sweet pastry dough
170g plain flour
30g icing sugar
1/2 tsp salt
113g unsalted butter, cut into 1cm pieces, chilled
1 large egg yolk (16g)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
4 tsp cold water
1/3 cup jam, we used apricot but raspberry is great too!
600ml lemon curd
1/2 cup Greek yoghurt
Lemon tart is a luscious, zingy treat. It’s best started a day ahead, but it’s 100% worth it. Take your time and go easy on yourself, ours certainly didn’t turn out visually ~perfect~, but it tasted sublime!
Lemon Tart
To make the pastry, place the dry ingredients and cubed, chilled butter in a food processor. Mix until sand-like in texture. Add the egg yolk, vanilla and water and mix again until a smooth paste-like dough is formed. You don’t want to see flakes of butter, instead it’s more of a biscuit dough consistency.
Wrap in an airtight bag/plastic wrap and chill for minimum 1 hour or overnight.
Preheat the oven to 220℃ (200℃ fan). If your tart tin is not non-stick, grease with a little butter and a dusting of flour.
On a clean, lightly floured surface, roll the pastry into a circle about 5mm thick and about 30 cm in diameter.
Use the rolling pin to gently lift the pastry and lay it gently over the tart tin. Gently ease the pastry into the grooves of the tin, avoiding stretching it. Patch any holes or particularly thin bits with excess pastry.
Put the prepared pastry in the freezer for about 10 mins, until the butter has hardened again. Once hardened, use a sharp knife to trim away the excess from the rim, so you’re left with a clean edge, then place a layer of aluminium foil on top of the pastry before placing the tin on a baking tray (this is easier to handle) and putting in the middle rack of the oven.
Bake for 15-20 mins, then remove the foil and continue to bake for 5 mins until the bottom is golden brown all over.
Spread layer of jam over the bottom of the tart and return it to the oven to bake for a further 5-7 mins, until set. This layer of jam ensures the bottom stays crisp.
In a large bowl, whisk together the lemon curd and Greek yoghurt until combined.
Pour the curd mixture into the tart shell, filling it until almost at the top. You might have a little curd left over – yum for snacking!
Place tart back in the oven and bake for 20-30 mins – until the tart is set, but isn’t browned (ours was a smidge overcooked). There will be a little bit of rise, meaning the egg has souffléd while baking. If you wriggle the tray the filling should jiggle as one, not ripple.
Once the tart is set, it must chill in the fridge for minimum 2.5 hours or overnight.
Once chilled, remove the outer right by placing it on an inverted bowl.
Slice tart and serve with a little double cream if you like!

Hi, just a curious question. I’ve never found a Lemon tart recipe that had jam on the base. Why the jam?
It is less common, but why not the jam?! Some people love a little sweeter edge in a tart tart but feel free to omit if you prefer!